Meet Michelle P.
With a multifaceted background in education, nursing, massage, nutrition and fitness Michelle brings a unique blend of talents to the Histio Ambassador Program. Her passion for assisting others through their personal journey has led her to pursue her degree in integrative health at Arizona State University where she is currently a senior planning to obtain her Doctorate level degree, Michelle enjoys time on her mini farm where she lives with several of her rescue animals.
Her vision is to bring education to the medical community so histio will be more known and able to be treated. She desires to be a comfort for those families and individuals who are or have struggled with the disease. She is working on creating a community space for those who are in need of healing, education and a safe space to belong as well as a home retreat to serve others who are healing from loss or trauma through nature, massage and animal therapy.
Michelle came to the ambassador program after the loss of the love of her life, Fire Captain David A. Phay. Fulfilling the role of ambassador is part of a promise she made to David to not let his death be in vain. She looks forward to this new and challenging role in her life with honor, respect and a passion to eradicate Histio.