I am...
Histio Ambassadors
The Ambassador Program
Histio Ambassadors are a dedicated group of histio patients, survivors, caregivers, and family members who push for better policies, research, education, and support for all those touched by histiocytosis.
To become an ambassador one must have first-hand experience navigating a histiocytic disorder diagnosis and passionately want to help. The volunteer ambassador position is a one-year commitment and volunteers must be willing to attend two meetings a year, host one awareness/support gathering a year, and also attend two educational opportunities or education sessions hosted by the Histiocytosis Association.
So far, the ambassadors have been integral in community and disease related feedback. Some have moderated virtual support groups while others have distributed care bags to newly diagnosed patients, run bake sales, participated in and developed awareness campaigns and fundraisers.
The ambassadors are a unique and special group of individuals. Most of them have already been involved in the association. They are comprised of patients, caregivers, and caregivers of histio angels representing all of the histiocytic disorders (Adult and Pediatric LCH, ECD, RDD, JXG, and HLH)
You can read about each ambassador below and you will see where their passion comes from. They are dedicated to raising awareness about histiocytic disorders, provide educational and emotional support, and funding research leading to better treatments and a cure. Their stories tell us about their journey and why they want to further the mission of the Histiocytosis Association.
Want to join the team? Please see the ambassador profile description below to see if this is a good fit for you. If anything, reach out to us to discuss the possibilities before applying. After all it only takes one person to make a difference and one step closer to our vision to one day see a world free of histiocytic disorders.
Melinda Atnip,
Outreach Program Coordinator, Histiocytosis Association
Current Ambassador Team
Meet Allie
Hello, my name is Allie and I am the mother of a Histio warrior. My three-year-old son, Hudson was diagnosed with Rosai Dorman disease in 2019 at eight months old after undergoing surgery for an enlarged lymph in his groin that was dangerously close to impacting his femoral artery.
That initial phone call from Hudson’s general surgeon informing me of his rare disease diagnosis will forever be etched into my soul. Just hearing the words “rare disease” is enough to debilitate and send you plummeting into emotional turmoil; I instantly felt shock, loneliness, fear, and helplessness. On top of that, Hudson’s surgeon had never heard of Histiocytosis before and that alone sent a wave of fear through me. It was at that moment that I knew our lives would never be the same. I vowed that I would do everything in my power to ensure Hudson received the best possible care.
Hudson’s first appointment with his oncologist was our second dose of disappointing news; his oncologist had never heard of or treated RDD before. Aside from her inexperience, her nonchalance regarding our concerns illuminated the uphill battle ahead of us. Becoming Hudson’s strongest advocate was second nature to me, and I was able to find and contact a specialist from Texas Children’s (TCH) for a second opinion. From there we were able to establish a line of communication spanning from Texas to Washington. The oncologist from TCH helped ensure that Hudson had the testing he believed was necessary to determine the RDD progression in Hudson’s groin about which I was concerned. My motherly instincts were correct, and Hudson did, in fact, need another surgery to remove more painful lymph nodes in his groin when he was just 13 months old. Having now lost faith in our child’s oncology office, my husband and I made the difficult decision to relocate our children from the only home they had ever known, to Texas so Hudson could be seen by oncologists that specialize in Histiocytosis.
With my own experience fighting beside my little Histio Warrior, thrust into a world of unknowns, I felt compelled to do more. Each year since Hudson’s diagnosis, I have organized or participated in fundraisers to help raise awareness and money for research for Histiocytosis. In addition to this, I try to reach out to offer my support to families of newly diagnosed histio warriors, so they know they are not alone.
Before I became a stay-at-home mom and had a child with a rare disease, I was a 911 operator and always felt like my calling in life was to help others during the toughest times of their lives. Since Hudson’s diagnosis, my devotion to helping others has shifted from it being my career path, to it becoming my personal mission of helping others within the histio community. I am looking forward to working as an ambassador for the Histiocytosis Association and seeing what we can continue to accomplish for our current and future histio warriors and the battles they will face.
Meet Ana
I am 35 years old, a single mom of a silly and handsome 4-year-old boy, and a histio warrior. My symptoms started in the last trimester of my pregnancy. I was thirsty, dehydrated all day, and lost over 30 pounds. After many months, many embarrassing accidents, quite a few tests later, and being wrongfully diagnosed with other illnesses, I was finally diagnosed with diabetes insipidus (DI). Although I was being treated for DI, I was still getting scans and being referred to many specialists to find the cause of the DI and symptoms (headaches, dizziness, fatigue, bone pain, & limping). My journey continued with my pituitary being radiated, having several biopsies, and traveling to other states to see Histiocytosis specialists. I was at my wit’s end after discovering they never should have radiated my pituitary, and several tests that needed to be ordered to properly diagnose weren’t ordered. I needed answers, a formal diagnosis.
Fortunately, my insurance changed, and I was referred to a histio specialist, who not only lived in the same state, but ordered the correct scans and proper testing. It took nearly 3 years to get formally diagnosed.
I have Langerhans cell histiocytosis with pituitary and bone involvement. The LCH in my pituitary caused hypothyroidism and adrenal gland insufficiency.
This journey has been long, full of uncertainty, pain, emotional and physical changes. I’ve had to face this process while learning how to be a single parent.
I’ve learned how to reframe the narrative for myself vs focusing on how hard this is. I’ve learned to draw from faith that God gives me strength, energy and power to face each moment, and learned how to connect with family. I want to share with you that Histiocytosis has shaken the foundation of who I was, my priorities, things that defined me. I learned that treatment is not just chemo but what you are giving to yourself to heal yourself. What am I telling myself? How am I narrating my life despite histio. I’ve learned to also redefine hope. Hope in this moment, in this single breath. Hope in focusing on what I do have right this second. Having tenacity for this moment! Hope in being present with myself, my son, and a growing desire to deposit hope to my fellow histio community.
I was delighted when I first discovered the ambassador program with the Histiocytosis Association, as I have a passion to connect with others and help the histio community. Having a rare disorder can be a lonely and emotional journey. My hope is to unite the community, raise awareness, and raise funds for research and families in financial hardship. I want to use my personal journey and the skills I’ve gained throughout these five years to help, empower, and uplift our histio warriors.
Meet Andrea
Hello, my name is Andrea, and I am a mother of a two-year-old Histio warrior. My daughter, Victoria was initially diagnosed with multifocal bone Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) in February 2021, at the age of 9 months old. At the time of diagnosis, we had never heard of LCH and were scared of the unknown and journey. Upon review the literature and talking with our doctors, the plan was to undergo chemotherapy and steroid treatment for a year to “knock-out” the LCH. Little did we know that our journey would take us past a year, with relapse at 10 months (when we were in maintenance phase) and then additional disease progression into additional bones and digestive tract 4 months after the relapse.
Victoria’s journey with LCH has not been straightforward and we have had a lot of ups and downs, but we are confident that we will get to no active disease. Over the course of her journey her team has expanded to include the hospital’s oncology department, gastrointestinal (GI) doctor, and specialist from Texas Children’s Hospital. Together her team has been working hard to treat the LCH and to navigate side effects. To date, she has logged over 100 days in the hospital and received over 60 chemotherapy infusions (with three different chemotherapies).
Because of my science background, I have always felt a need to understand the ins and outs of whatever I face. With my daughter’s diagnosis, I naturally gravitated to the literature and sought out resources, including the Histiocytosis Association in order to learn more about why LCH occurs, who is impacted, what are the protocols for treating various systems (e.g. bones, GI, skin). In my search for knowledge, I learned that LCH is still not well understood and often cast aside as a "non-cancer" despite being labeled as a histiocytic neoplasm by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and blood cancer by the World Health Organization.
Although I have yet to meet another Histio warrior at my daughter’s hospital, I have been blessed to meet other mothers with cancer warriors and have gained an understanding of the common threads - worry, anxiety, fear, relapse, side effects, long hospital stays. Without their compassion, I would have felt isolated throughout this process. As an ambassador, it is my goal to help provide understanding to the community and be a voice and/or support to others going on about to start their journey. Additionally, I hope to help guide both our medical community as well as other histio warrior families on the types of resources available, including the many resources listed on the association's webpage. Whether through blood drives, various events, or casual discussion it is important that others are aware of Histiocytosis and indicators of disease.
Meet Anna Grace
My name is Anna-Grace. I’m 20 and the eldest of 3 sisters. I love music, journaling, and studying. When I am done with a medical gap-year, I wish to enter the field of pharmacy. I also have primary HLH, and I am a proud histio warrior!
Meet Barb
Our family’s Histiocytosis journey began more than 30 years ago when our toddler son Brent developed a waxy scalp rash. It’s astonishing to think that what appeared to be a benign concern would actually be the first signal of something so much more serious — a disease that would damage the bones in his face, create a tumor behind his left eye, and ultimately invade his central nervous system, requiring more than eight years of treatment to control. Along the way, Brent endured multiple regimens of chemotherapy, radiation to the tumor and to his brain, and numerous surgeries, including a 9.5-hour craniotomy with facial reconstruction to repair the damage to his face caused by the tumor.
Finally, an old chemotherapy used in a new way stopped the Histiocytosis from progressing. This made Brent the index patient for a treatment that helped many other kids with CNS disease.
Throughout it all, we were fortunate Brent was under the care of Dr. Ken McClain at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. Talk about perseverance: He never stopped trying to stop Brent’s disease, relying on his colleagues at the Histiocyte Society when he needed a fresh perspective, new ideas. or someone to help him evaluate yet another MRI image.
Today, Brent has been treatment-free for 22 years. He is an Eagle Scout, holds two associate degrees, and works full-time in accounting. That’s not to suggest he came through this ordeal unscathed: He has some processing speed issues, he developed epilepsy when he was 10 (it’s well-controlled, thank goodness), and he’s shorter in stature than expected at birth. Still, he’s a remarkable, empathetic young man with a big heart and a great sense of humor.
As for the Histiocytosis Association, it hadn’t been around very long when Brent was diagnosed in 1993. And, of course, there was no internet at the time. Between the time the pediatrician said she thought Brent had histio and the diagnosis was confirmed, the only thing we had to rely on was my husband’s copy of Grey’s Anatomy (the reference book; my husband is a retired R.N.), which described the disease as a nearly always fatal condition of the lungs. Fortunately, once Brent became a Texas Children’s patient, we learned about the Association, and my frequent calls with Jeff Toughill began. His very personal support is something I'll always be grateful for.
Throughout the years, I’ve watched the Association evolve and mature. I’ve been involved through fundraising and writing some of the group’s early outreach materials (I’m a freelance writer with years of marketing experience). I’m excited to have formalized my relationship and am looking forward to having an impact on awareness and advocacy.
Meet Brenna
I was first faced with Histiocytosis in April of 2021 when my dad was diagnosed with HLH. He had been to countless doctors’ visits and done numerous tests before they were able to figure out what had been causing him pain for many months previously. My dad had always been my biggest supporter growing up so when he was sick it was always a priority for myself and my family to be there to support my dad. Histiocytosis is a rollercoaster. Growing up 5 minutes from Hershey Park I’m very familiar with all the fast paced up and downs, twists and turns, and unexpected drops. histo diseases are unpredictable and everyone’s experience with it is so different but so similar at the same time. You have to fasten your harness and prepare for all of the ups and downs, but make sure you laugh and take those crazy pictures!
My dad was in and out of the hospital from April 2021 to September 2021. It was so scary hearing everything that was going on and feeling like I didn’t have anyone outside of my family that I could talk and relate to. I didn’t want to worry my family with how much I was worrying. I had never heard of HLH before my dad was diagnosed. There was never any fundraiser or event or support group in my area. While my dad was sick, he always talked about how he wanted to do everything he could to raise awareness and organize fundraisers for Histiocytosis awareness. I’m looking forward to pursuing that for him and bringing awareness to Histiocytosis in my area and providing any and as much support as I can to others, on their journey with Histiocytosis.
Meet Brinda
Hi! My name is Brinda and I was diagnosed with RDD at the age of 13. My symptoms first started as hair loss, weight loss, increased fatigue, and a visible lump on my parotid gland (a gland that sits in front of the ears). I then saw an ENT doctor who thought my symptoms could be some sort of a viral infection and I was prescribed a course of Amoxicillin. The antibiotics were not working and my symptoms were getting worse, so a CT scan was ordered. Based on the results, the doctor said I could have a certain type of Lymphoma and the numerous scans and tests began. It was frightening to hear this as an 8th grader who just wanted to enjoy her last year of middle school and move on to high school. After bouncing around many different types of doctors and having different types of procedures done, scans continued to show lymph node involvement. I was referred to oncology in January 2017 and I was diagnosed with Histio in 2017 after a surgical biopsy on a newly palpable lymph node on my neck. Shortly after diagnosis, I had a PET and bone scan to determine the extent of the growth. The growth was localized to my lymph nodes and I started a steroid treatment. Probably my most frightening experience with Histio was having a seizure as I was tapering off my steroids and my oncologist was concerned about brain involvement which fortunately was not the case after several scans. Navigating through Histio along with the typical teenager life was definitely a turbulent time. Luckily, I was able to have teen years that were still fun and memorable, despite everything going on, thanks to my best friends who were all so extremely supportive and uplifting. After a PET scan in 2018, the lymph node growth was stabilized but a very small mass was shown elsewhere so my oncologist sent us to Texas Children's Hospital for a second opinion regarding whether to do steroids again or start chemo. Luckily, the oncologist there felt a wait-and-watch protocol would be best. I had to continue monitoring and visiting my oncologist for blood work throughout the years. In February 2022, I had my last pediatric oncologist appointment and was in transition to see an adult oncologist yearly. In December of 2022, I had my first PET scan since 2018, and it was my first ever scan that showed NED!! Currently, I am a sophomore at the University of Alabama at Birmingham majoring in Cancer Biology with a minor in Chemistry on the pre-medicine track with the goal of becoming a hematologist-oncologist.
My journey helped me realize my passions and the career that I want to pursue for the rest of my life. If I could give one piece of advice to someone newly diagnosed, I would say to never be afraid to ask for help from family/friends. My journey with Histio often felt like a lonesome and uncertain time but having my best friends in my corner rooting for me eased my tensions. Always remember that you are not alone in your journey and that you have a whole network of people here at the Histiocytosis Association who support you and are rooting for you!
Meet Carol
My name is Carol, I am 22 years old, a university student pursuing my undergraduate degree, and I am a Histio Warrior.
At the age of 10 months old my molars had started to grow in; I was also consistently getting sick. My mom didn’t know why, so she did what any mom would do and took me to the doctor. I was treated with amoxicillin, which later led to an allergic reaction. I had a lesion in my eye and a lesion in my spine and a tumor in the right side of my mandible. After more tests, and scans my mom was finally given an answer. The diagnosis that my mom received was Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.
At a young age I was treated with chemotherapy. 6 months after I relapsed and was given another 6 months of chemotherapy. At the age of a year and a half I lost complete vision in my left eye and currently battle the long-term effects of LCH, which are Diabetes Insipidus, Vitiligo, growth hormone insufficiency, and a glaucoma in my left eye.
Growing up I was bullied a lot for looking different and being treated differently. As I reached my last year of high school, I decided that instead of hiding what makes me unique, why not share it? I told myself maybe one day someone who is going through what I went through may hear my story and be comforted knowing that they are not alone, which is why I became a Histio ambassador!
Meet Diana
Diana is a 19-year-old musical theatre major at the university of Memphis, a local titleholder in the Miss Tennessee (America) Scholarship competition organization, an arts education advocate, and a Histio Ambassador! At just 15 months old, Diana was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Something that, at the time, she and none of her family even knew existed. But thanks to the wonderful doctors at Vanderbilt children’s hospital, Diana was given the best treatment at the time and is now 17 ½ years LCH free.
While her memories of her diagnosis and treatment remain vague, Diana has heard a large number of stories from her family, and she wants to share those stories and experiences with the world to inspire some hope for those who are or those who have loved ones who are fighting Histiocytosis. Diana has also made a push for Histiocytosis awareness. She runs an Instagram account known as “hopeafterhistiocytosis” where she posts photos of blue things under the hashtag “#hahbluefinds”.
Her hope is that more people participate in her trend on their own accounts, while not only hash-tagging “#hahbluefinds” but other Histiocytosis awareness hashtags to help other advocates spread their message.
Diana is incredibly honored to be a part of the Histio Ambassador Team and hopes to connect with those in the histio community. Her motto in life is “live with passion and positivity” and that is a motto she will continue to honor as a Histio Ambassador. She is ready to do her part in spreading hope and spreading awareness across the world!
Meet Drew
Drew is an Associate at Pathstone Modern Family Office in Potomac, MD. Additionally, he is a Histio Ambassador at the Histiocytosis Association and currently lives in Washington, DC.
Drew was diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) shortly after being born. For four years, he and his family would live in and out of the hospital which they often called "going camping". After multiple surgical removal procedures and chemotherapy, he was cured and has not had any signs of the disease since. Drew then went on to become a member of the Wake Forest University Men's Division 1 baseball team before graduating in 2018. "The Histiocytosis Association provided my family and I with support, information and resources to help us beat the horrible disease. I have devoted myself to give back to the histio community the same way that it supported me and my family during those confusing and uneasy times".
Meet Heidi
I began my medical career in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. I then received my BSN at the University of Vermont and enjoyed an extensive career as a traveling nurse in pediatric and adult dialysis.
Memphis became my permanent home when I began the next stage of my career at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in 2002.
In 2016 I became part of the Global Pediatric Medicine Department under the leadership of Dr. Carlos Rodriguez Galindo. He had helped to found the North American Consortium for Histiocytosis (NACHO) and I became their first full-time employee. I was so excited to help build this wonderful and important consortium in the histiocytosis community!
NACHO has grown to have over 65 institutions in the consortium, with experts in Histiocytosis from all over the country and is still growing. It is an honor to work with these physicians from around the world trying to find a cure for these rare diseases.
I retired from St Jude this year, but I wanted to continue to be part of the Histiocytosis community. I had participated in several Histiocytosis Association activities in partnerships with NACHO and knew what a wonderful organization it is!
I knew this would be the perfect next step for me, and I applied to be a Histio Ambassador.
I am SO excited to join this amazing organization with the goal of helping to provide information and knowledge to the histiocyte community. I hope to help link the patients and their families to the appropriate medical staff and institutions who can help guide them to successfully treating their disease. The Histiocytosis Association has so many resources, and I will work on making sure that the patients who need these will have the availability and knowledge of how to access them. Histiocytosis is a rare disease, and I am ready to do my part in spreading awareness of the disease and treatments available to all who need it!
Meet Jeff
Jeffrey Toughill, has been a backbone to the Histio Community since 1986; spearheading a global organization that supports histiocytosis patients and families by providing a safe space, listening ear, education, community, and help in finding the right medical team. Jeff is a community treasure who embodies the mission of the Histiocytosis Association: embracing a vision of a world free of histiocytic disorders.
The Toughills were determined to establish an ongoing support network, so that no other patient or family facing histiocytosis would ever have to feel as alone as they had upon receiving Bethany’s diagnosis. In August of 1986, the Toughills published their first newsletter addressing the issues faced by patients and families affected by histiocytic disorders, and they mailed it to their newly created network. By October of 1986, the Histiocytosis Association was incorporated as a nonprofit agency by the State of New Jersey, and in May of 1988, acquired 501(c)(3) status.
Together as a community, we’ve taken the idea of two determined parents, Jeff and Sally Toughill, who began their work at a small kitchen table in Pitman, New Jersey and have grown it into a globally recognized nonprofit organization that has been truly making a difference for over 35 years. Their daughter, Bethany, was diagnosed with LCH as a baby but is now a thriving adult with a family of her own. Just like Bethany’s story, there is an incredible future still ahead - one full of promise and hope for a cure!
Jeff and Sally Toughill were interviewed about their family's fight against histio by Family Circle Magazine in 1987, not long after establishing the Histiocytosis Association. Read the full article and view photos from where the roots of the Association began and Jeff’s contribution to the Histiocytosis Community.
Jeff is considered to be the original histio ambassador. He started the association and is now retired. He continues to counsel others, answers social media support questions to patients, and also attends ambassador and team meetings. THANK YOU JEFF FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY PEOPLE’S LIVES!
Meet Kevin
Hello, my name is Kevin. I am the Community Outreach Coordinator for a special ed organization as well as a father to my beautiful daughter Sophia and a husband to my wife Dr. Leah M. I am proud to say I am a Histio Warrior.
For me it all began in the summer when I turned 11 years old. I was a very active child and playing Little League baseball competitively. I can remember it to the pain and the exact moment I was rounding the bases and felt a pain shoot down both my legs and I could hardly move screaming in pain. The pain kept radiating down both my legs and lower back as days went on and I knew something was wrong. The next stages were by far the scariest because being 33 years old now I was in the “unknown” world of histio diseases at the time. That summer I spent in excruciating pain with little answers from doctors. During a PET, Bone and MRI scan it was seen that I had a “tumor” the size of my fist on my lower spine. This was scary because the first thought even at 11 is cancer. To say I wasn’t scared is a lie. Being so young and unaware of what was going on and spending countless days doing testing and in hospitals I was scared for the worst. The dialogue started to shift from terminal cancer to a rarer unknown disease called LCH on a doctor visit to U-Penn chops. LCH? All I could remember at the time was it was an unknown disease and not a terminal cancer. I consider myself one of the lucky ones because I avoided all treatments and just took 6 months off from sports and the “clot” disappeared on its own.
Going through all that was hard at a young age, and I was very appreciative of my parents and my brother being with me every step of the way. As I grew out of LCH I always found the disease to be “super-human” might be easier for me to say because here I am talking about it 20 years later, but I always had a minor sense of enjoyment for my rare disease. It was when I became more mature and older where I started to do my own research on different things like, “Is it genetic? How did I get it? and Do I have to look for disease in the future?.” As I became more interested, I came across the Histiocytosis Association where I met with Deanna and Jeffrey, and I felt a huge sense of relief. I wasn’t the only person I knew who had this disorder anymore. I was finally connecting with people who not only understood what I went through but experienced it themselves. I shared that anyway possible I would love to help and give back any way I can. Support is so important for such a rare group of people, and I am happy I found it and now have become an ambassador for the Histiocytosis Association.
I pride myself on being a long time histio warrior and am proud of all I have accomplished being dealt with such a major life hiatus and challenge. All the tests and unknowns created health anxiety and fear that was not fun, however, here I am now at 33 years old a healthy young man with a beautiful and healthy family ready to share my compassion, our associations' resources and give my time to help anyone in need. If there is one thing I don’t take for granted anymore that’s the blessing I have to live each day to its fullest. I am proud to be an ambassador and Histio warrior.
Meet Mark
I'm Mark, a devoted dad to two incredible teenage boys, Ben and Max, and loving husband to Robin.
Our histiocytosis journey began unexpectedly when Ben, our eldest, started experiencing neurological symptoms at 12. After a 16-month diagnostic journey, he was diagnosed with Primary CNS Isolated HLH in October 2020. In February 2021, Ben underwent a challenging bone marrow transplant, and today, three years post-transplant, he's thriving.
Experiencing firsthand the emotional rollercoaster of a histiocytosis diagnosis, we found invaluable support from the Histiocytosis Association. Inspired by our journey, I became an ambassador, organizing an annual golf outing to raise awareness and fund research for HLH. Our aim is to offer hope and support to families facing similar challenges.
Through sharing our story, we hope to inspire others facing histiocytosis. Partnering with the Histiocytosis Association, we strive to make a real difference, providing compassionate community support to those in need.
Meet Megan
Hello, my name is Megan and I am SO proud to call myself an international Histio Ambassador! I was born and raised in England, UK and currently live in Oxfordshire.
My Histio journey began when I was 16 years old, a young girl who had just started college (A-levels). I started to feel unwell 2 months into my studies where I predominantly had a fever and horrendous flu symptoms. After multiple trips to the GP, I was diagnosed with Glandular Fever, a viral infection that can be detected by a blood test. The infection is very common amongst young adults but unfortunately there is less than 1 in a million chance the virus can trigger an Autoimmune disease - Secondary Haemophagocytic Lympho-Histiocytosis (HLH). It was my abnormally high ferritin levels that initially gave me the ‘red flag’. , I had a CT and MRI scan, a lumbar puncture and a bone marrow biopsy to confirm the disease. From there, I was put onto the 2004 protocol, which mainly consisted of chemotherapy and steroids, along with some antivirals/antibiotics to clear my glandular fever.
It was a very intense few months but luckily my body responded well and I started to wean off the protocol after undergoing 8 weeks of treatment.
My drive to become a Histio Ambassador comes from the loneliness and isolation I have felt for the past decade, being told the disease is so RARE and that I was UNLUCKY and UNFORTUNATE - it created a very dark space in my mind - I felt as though my body had betrayed me! My mental health has suffered particularly in the last few years. It took 10 years for me to talk openly with my parents about what happened as it was such a gut-wrenching subject - BUT talking about it and having these tough conversations started to set me free.
I want to raise awareness and help support the Histio Association so that the “1 in million” Histio warriors do not feel alone, have an early diagnosis and a successful battle against their disease.
My HLH did not define me but it certainly helped me find my passion - I am currently a scientist working in clinical trials for Cancer Therapeutics.
Outside of work, I love to travel, especially to Italy, spending time with my family, and this year, I'm getting married! BUT most of all - my rabbits, Winston and Duchess have my heart ❤️
Meet Melinda
My job as a Histio Ambassador and the Outreach Program Coordinator came to me at the right time in my life. While the world was battling the COVID-19 pandemic, my husband —Barry was diagnosed with a rare disease on January 19, 2021.In May of 2020, my husband's journey began with some eye irritation and a severely bloated abdomen. Little did we know that, nine months later, my husband of 30 years and the father of my two sons was suffering from Erdheim-Chester Disease (ECD), a rare blood cancer and histiocytic disorder.
We went through an arduous diagnostic odyssey that led to Barry’s ECD diagnosis. The process involved the doctors collecting an insurmountable amount of blood samples, conducting kidney and bone marrow biopsies, and finding the right specialist. This journey involved struggling with emotions of fear, frustration, anxiety, and hopelessness. The doctors told us that the disease had probably been growing inside him for ten years undetected. It presented itself first on his pituitary, long bones, and eye orbits. The histiocytes divided and multiplied, leading to severe fibrosis inside his entire abdominal cavity and encasing his kidneys.
During the nine months, during COVID, our lives took a turn that I never ever imagined. The world was not normal. Usually, when a couple visits a hospital for a medical procedure, they hold hands to comfort each other when the spouse is about to go in. However, our situation was different; instead of holding hands, we would text each other the entire time he was undergoing the procedure. I was on the outside of the building while he was in the basement of the hospital with the other few patients allowed to go downstairs. Back at home, zoom doctor appointments became a norm, and we had over 50 meetings. We had to search medical jargon on Google to understand the condition. Words such as “Tumor Board” and “Biopsy Block” became common. We could notice his doctor’s baffled look as she tried to make sense of the medical results and deliver the bad news. Even interns streamed in the hall to see the most complicated Erdheim-Chester case.
After nine months, we became different people; we left our old lives behind and started managing a rare disease. We joined the ZEBRA club; a special and rare group of people that understand terms such as genomic sequencing, targeted therapy, clinical trials, histiocytic disorders, BRAF-E600v, and the difference between a CT/MRI/PET scan and CBC blood draw vs. a Lipid Panel. These rare disease communities became part of us; they understood and made us feel less alone.
I want to assure any patient or family facing histiocytic disease that there is hope. My husband can hike, ski, do mountain bike riding, and travel. He is now on targeted therapy for his genetic mutation. He has a team of 10 hero doctors that take care of him. He manages the disease by taking ten pills a day and two shots a month, making him live an active life.
My job is to SPREAD HOPE to others and to make people feel less alone with their histiocytic disease diagnosis. My family is dedicated to the mission of the Histiocytosis Association. Our job is to SPREAD HOPE to others and to help people feel less alone with their histiocytic disease diagnosis. To take the feelings of FEAR, FRUSTRATION, ANXIETY and HOPELESSNESS and uplift them to have COURAGE, TRUST, STRENGTH and HOPE.
Meet Michelle M.
Michelle is an ambassador who has been a part of the histio community since 2013 when her son Ty was diagnosed with JXG. She has been organizing Ty-Fighters 5K, a Star Wars themed race, to raise funds for histio research for the past 5 years.
At eight months,Ty was fascinated by wheels; he would stare down at the wheels on a stroller instead of enjoying the scenery during walks. Ty also had a large tumor growing on his lung. The mass grew to be so big that he couldn’t breathe on his own and it blocked a major artery.
Michelle and her husband Sean were told after the mass biopsy that the tissue looked like juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG), but that JXG only appears on the skin, not on internal organs, so they didn't know what he had. For two weeks Ty needed to be kept sedated and on a breathing machine. Imagine not being able to hold your baby for two weeks.
Ty was diagnosed with systemic JXG, something only 32 people in the US are currently diagnosed with. As of this post Ty has been chemo-free for 7 years and in remission or “stable with no active disease” for 8 years.
Meet Michelle P.
With a multifaceted background in education, nursing, massage, nutrition and fitness Michelle brings a unique blend of talents to the Histio Ambassador Program. Her passion for assisting others through their personal journey has led her to pursue her degree in integrative health at Arizona State University where she is currently a senior planning to obtain her Doctorate level degree, Michelle enjoys time on her mini farm where she lives with several of her rescue animals.
Her vision is to bring education to the medical community so histio will be more known and able to be treated. She desires to be a comfort for those families and individuals who are or have struggled with the disease. She is working on creating a community space for those who are in need of healing, education and a safe space to belong as well as a home retreat to serve others who are healing from loss or trauma through nature, massage and animal therapy.
Michelle came to the ambassador program after the loss of the love of her life, Fire Captain David A. Phay. Fulfilling the role of ambassador is part of a promise she made to David to not let his death be in vain. She looks forward to this new and challenging role in her life with honor, respect and a passion to eradicate Histio.
Meet Nate
Hello, my name is Nate Milam II and I am currently in school pursuing a Health Services Management degree to one day fulfill my dream of becoming a Patient Advocate, and be a voice for those who have not found theirs yet. I deeply value music, courage, and the interpersonal relationships I choose to have in my life. My journey has been anything but easy, however, those unfortunate experiences have shaped me into the person I am today. I was misdiagnosed with Crohn's disease at the age of 7, and continued to live and be treated for that diagnosis until I was 19. It was then when I was introduced to my accurate diagnosis of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), which was caused by a genetic mutation called X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis (XIAP) syndrome at birth.
I was misdiagnosed with Crohn's on 3 separate occasions for a variety of reasons, but mainly due to the fact that XIAP syndrome is so rare, most Gastroenterologist (GI) doctors are not aware of its existence. In my case, the "de novo" (spontaneously arising for the first time) XIAP mutation resulted in partial loss of function of the gene, which caused a problem in the immune system that led to uncontrolled inflammation in response to an infectious trigger. HLH is a dangerous blood disorder that impacts white blood cells in the body that are usually tasked with fighting infections and other diseases. In the case of someone with HLH, those cells kick into overdrive and target vital organs instead of remaining localized to the problem area. In February 2018, I found myself sicker than ever because those cells were targeting my liver and other organs causing me to become septic and leaving me in the intensive care unit (ICU) for months. An incredible physician in the ICU recognized my symptoms were more severe than a typical Crohn's patient, and decided to look deeper for a clear explanation of such symptoms. After the genetic testing came back positive for HLH, I was quickly placed in the care of the bone marrow transplant (BMT) team and my rigorous course of treatment commenced. Finding a stem cell transplant donor and treating sepsis were the first of multiple priorities. Afterwards, I went through several exhausting rounds of chemotherapy to kill the bad cells in my body and get prepared for the fresh new cells. On January 5, 2019, I had a bone marrow transplant that saved my life.
Meet Robin
I'm Robin, a devoted mom to two incredible teenage boys, Ben and Max, and loving wife to Mark. Alongside my family roles, I'm a passionate educator and histio ambassador.
Our histiocytosis journey began unexpectedly when Ben, our eldest, started experiencing
neurological symptoms at 12. After a 16-month diagnostic journey, he was diagnosed with Primary CNS Isolated HLH in October 2020. In February 2021, Ben underwent a challenging bone marrow transplant, and today, three years post-transplant, he's thriving.
Experiencing firsthand the emotional rollercoaster of a histiocytosis diagnosis, we found invaluable support from the Histiocytosis Association. Inspired by our journey, I became an ambassador, organizing an annual golf outing to raise awareness and fund research for HLH. Our aim is to offer hope and support to families facing similar challenges.
Through sharing our story, we hope to inspire others facing histiocytosis.
Partnering with the Histiocytosis Association, we strive to make a real difference, providing compassionate community support to those in need.
Meet Sarah Grace
Sarah Grace's journey is one of remarkable resilience and determination, underscored by her passion for music and her unwavering spirit in the face of adversity. As she nears the completion of her Bachelor of Arts in Music with a focus on Vocal Performance and a minor in General Business at Grand Valley State University, her story serves as a testament to the power
of pursuing one's dreams despite the challenges that life may present.
At just fifteen years old, Sarah Grace was confronted with the daunting diagnosis of HLH, later finding out it was triggered by a rare genetic mutation: XIAP-2 deficiency. Her journey to understanding and managing her condition has been fraught with uncertainty and setbacks, yet through it all, with significant help and advocacy from her mother, she has remained steadfast in her pursuit of both academic and personal fulfillment.
The journey to a definitive diagnosis was not easy, but Sarah Grace's resilience shone through as she and her mother sought answers and advocated. Her experience at the National Institute of Health in 2022 marked a significant turning point, providing validation for her symptoms and offering invaluable support and guidance in navigating her condition.
Despite the challenges she faces, Sarah Grace's outlook remains one of hope and optimism. Her involvement with the Histiocytosis Association has been a source of solace and inspiration, reminding her that she is not alone in her journey and that collective efforts towards awareness, research, and support can pave the way for breakthroughs in treatment and, ultimately, a cure.
As she looks towards the future, Sarah Grace is driven by her passion for music and her desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Whether through pursuing a graduate program in Music Therapy or Contemporary Vocal Pedagogy, she is committed to leveraging her talents and experiences to uplift and empower those around her.
Meet Shannon
The symptoms started with increase in thirst in the early 2000’s. I was getting up at night and fatigued during the day. I had a work up done, a water deprivation test, that was negative. My symptoms were unexplainable and eventually went away.
In 2011, I had a CT scan for an abdominal issue. I read the report and there was something questionable with my kidney, “clinical correlation”. It was not thought of because I wasn’t having any problems but my gallbladder was abnormal and needed to be removed. That was the focus.
In 2015, I started having body aches and one evening after work I started having chills with a feeling of something exploding in my body causing achiness all over. It eventually subsided. I went to see my PCP and all blood work was normal. I requested to see a rheumatologist, which I saw for over a year with no definitive diagnosis. It was after that I started having bladder infections which I never have ever had! A small amount of blood that cleared was revealed on urinalysis. I was told I was fine and I did not feel I was. I self-referred myself to a urologist. The urologist actually listened to me and ordered a series of tests which revealed something in my kidneys. I will never forget the phone call-“I don’t want to scare you but something is going on with your kidneys. I want you to see an oncologist.” An oncologist, I thought? What in the world is going on? I then saw the oncologist and had more testing and no one knew what they were seeing. In fact, the interventional radiologist was not confident in obtaining the bioposy due to the location in my kidneys. I referred myself, again, to Mayo Clinic, and that, after over 3 weeks and 3 pathologists (one being the head of Genetics) reviewed my pathology and confirmed the diagnosis of Erdheim Chester Disease.
ECD is in the family of histiocytosis. It has changed my life but not all for the bad. Yes, you grieve because you are not the person you once were. I am not able to work in a profession that I loved for over 26 years, not able to travel like we once did, and am at home most of the time due to the fatigue and symptoms I experience. What has it brought me? A much needed new circle of friends, a small e-commerce business that I can work at my own pace, a new perspective on life, and most of all a biological father, “bonus” mom, and siblings that I never knew I had. I could not be more grateful and appreciative of each and every day. I have to look to the positive in life no matter how bad things can get and that is what I do. I focus on what I can do, not what I can’t do. I have found out who cares and who is supportive and surround yourself by them. I never give up and fight for answers. Most of all, as my mother used to always say you “keep the faith”. Being resilient, staying active, listening and learning are my goals as a Histio Ambassador, and I hope I can help others fight this rare disease.
Meet Stephanie
When I was 3 months old, I was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. It had taken several months to find a diagnosis, and when that finally happened, it was critical to my survival that doctors acted fast. My parents fought tirelessly to get me the best care they could and encountered plenty of obstacles along the way. When I was first diagnosed, some doctors and nurses believed I would only make it past a month or two.
I was treated with chemotherapy for about 12 months, and thankfully took to it well. Today, I am healthy and able to live the life my parents envisioned for me. I have extra gratitude for the things my body allows me to do, and for the fight that I had in me as an infant.
When I was contacted about possibly being a Histio Ambassador, it felt like the perfect next step in my lifelong journey to raise funds and awareness. The past few years as a violist in Miami Beach’s New World Symphony, I played an active role in the medical community, visiting patients whenever I could and presenting concerts to raise money for the Histiocytosis Association. We have had a relationship for the past few years, but I was just beginning to think about how I’d love to be more closely involved. I was so excited when the opportunity to do this work came up. While talking to some amazing association members, I found that I could play more of an important role than I originally thought.
I have felt largely powerless to contribute to medical advancements as a musician, but I realized that I do have the power to help others heal. My reason for doing any of this is that I want to be the person to make someone’s day a bit brighter. I’ll go to great lengths to do so and contribute the best way I know how to find a cure.
As a musician, I hope to attend conferences, put on a benefit concert, and visit patients in hospitals. I am moving back to Chicago and want to connect with other members of the Histio community as well as possibly reconnect with the doctor at Children’s Hospital who saved my life!
I’ve never put together a running race, but that is also something I’d love to do, and I would get to follow my other passion besides music. I’m so excited for all of the possibilities that lie ahead as an ambassador, and I am so thankful for the support of the association.
Meet Suzanne
Hello, my name is Suzanne. I was diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis in 2016 at the age of 72. I first heard those words from a nurse practitioner who called to give me the results of a pathology report on a biopsy that she had down during a physical 2 weeks before. She had been determined to find the cause of skin lesions that had persisted for three or four years and had not responded to treatment for bacterial or fungal infections. She said than I had better write this done because it was rare and that she had had to look it up. She told me that I would need to have some further diagnostic tests to determine whether there were any other areas of my body affected. I am proof that, although LCH is more commonly a pediatric disease, it can strike at any age.
In my search to find more information about this disease, I quickly came upon the Histiocytosis Association website. Within 2 days I received a phone call from Jeff Toughill, the founder and then director of the organization. His information was helpful, informative, and reassuring. He sent a link to an article describing care for adults with LCH and said that he wanted me to print that out and to give it to every provider that I might visit.
I quickly became aware that finding a doctors with any knowledge or experience with histiocytic disorders would be a challenge. I found a radiological oncologist who had dealt with pediatric patients at a teaching hospital about 2 hours away. He ordered tests recommended, but no one at that institution had ever treated an adult with the disease. I finally self-referred to a large cancer center in Boston, a 400-mile drive away. I have been very happy with the care there and when I was diagnosed there with a rare leukemia, I was referred to another specialist there.
Because of my experiences and difficulties in finding knowledgeable providers and even a diagnosis, I try to talk about the disorders with any medical providers I see. It is so rare that it tends not to come across anyone’s radar and thus, can take years to be diagnosed as did mine. Raising awareness, helping others to find valid information about the disorders, and supporting and encouraging research have become very important to me. I am a patient advocate for a study now underway by Dr Gaurav Goyal at the University of Alabama, Birmingham to study the long-term health implications of adults who have ever had a histiocytic disorder. Studies such as this need to be done to help patients and providers developing plans for health care.
Meet Sydney
Sydney was diagnosed with LCH at the age of 10 years old. She had lesions in the orbit around her eye and upper spinal cord. The Giving Rocks Foundation originally started in 2007 as a passion project by 10-year-old Sydney Martin after a diagnosis of LCH has evolved into a successful 501(c)3 nonprofit. After researching LCH, Syd and her family were shocked to find that the potentially fatal blood disease was grossly underfunded with little research devoted to it. Sydney started selling her unique rock necklaces made from the shores of Lake Michigan to raise money for medical research, and Syd Rocks was born. Although she won her battle against LCH, Sydney was still passionate about finding a cure. The charitable business expanded to Giving Rocks Foundation, an organization with a powerful mission to eliminate all pediatric cancer, with a focus on LCH. Giving Rocks Foundation donates 100% of its proceeds to LCH research, with the belief that every rock can lead to a cure. Giving Rocks are sold on the HAA website today!
During her treatment for LCH, Sydney found a sense of belonging on the Oncology floor at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. She felt incredibly supported by her hospital peers, her medical team, and most of all by her Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS). CCLS’s are health care professionals who help children and families navigate the process of illness, injury, disability, trauma, or hospitalization. Sydney’s experiences as a patient informed her decision to embark on a career in healthcare. Sydney received her Master of Science in Child Development from Erikson Institute and became a CCLS in 2021. She worked as CCLS on the General Pediatrics Unit at Rush University Medical Center from 2021-2023 providing comprehensive medical, social, and emotional support for patients and families. In June of 2023, Sydney began a new role as a Donor Workup Specialist at NMDP, formerly known as Be The Match. As a donor workup specialist, she helps healthy marrow and stem cell donors throughout the donation process. Additionally, she uses her healthcare background to educate donors on the donation process and shed light on the patient experience. She loves helping to facilitate lifesaving transplants and making sure donors feel proud of themselves for offering a lifesaving gift to a patient in need.
Sydney’s experience with LCH informed her career path and she is so excited to bring her experiences to the forefront as a Histio Ambassador!
Meet Tammi
I am a mother of four amazing kids, my husband Joe and I own a Full-Service Fishing Lodge outside of Missoula, MT. When I am not spending time outdoors with my family, I practice Reiki and other modalities of energy healing. I am passionate about being a Histio Ambassador.
My son was diagnosed with Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) in October of 2018 at 10 years old. There were no doctors in Montana able to treat him so we traveled to Seattle Children's to see an amazing Pediatric Oncologist Dr. Navin Pinto. We were blessed that there is a fantastic group of doctors and nurses in Missoula who work in conjunction with Seattle Children's which allowed him to have his chemo treatments in Missoula and our family of 6 to stay together. He went through a regimen of weekly vinblastine infusions and high dose steroids for 6 weeks, followed by a vinblastine infusion and high dose steroids for 5 days every 3 weeks for the following 12 months, traveling to Seattle every 3 months for his MRI's, skeletal surveys and follow up appointments with his Oncologist. He was declared in remission in November of 2019! He continued to have follow up appointments every 3 months for one year and then every six months after that. In June of 2021 my son developed symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus and after an MRI and PET Scan in July we were told his LCH had reactivated in his pituitary causing the DI. In August we were back in Seattle for a second port placement and his first round of twelve 5-day infusions of cytarabine. He did not tolerate the cytarabine well at all and missed 50 days of school in fall of 2021. After 5 rounds and a very low ANC he had an MRI that showed no further lesions and we decided to stop treatment. There is minimal research on how a reactivation of LCH should be treated so in conjunction with his oncologist we decided my son's quality of day-to-day life was most important. He will continue to have follow up MRI’s every 6 months and he takes medicine daily for DI.
Raising awareness about Histio disorders and funds for research is one of my life goals. I am hopeful the Histio community will one day find a cure!
Meet Teresita
Hello! My name is Teresita. I studied Economics in Cal Poly Pomona, I am a Social Media Marketing Strategist, and I am a Digital Illustrator for The HLH Advocates.
I became a Histio Ambassador after my sister-in-law passed away from HLH in 2019. She was only 22 when she passed. Like many in the community, doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. She would continue to get misdiagnosed with other common diseases, but doctors would eventually have to go back to square one. It wasn’t until rare disease specialists went to the hospital to run further tests and ultimately concluded that she, in fact, had HLH.
I have always known that my journey in life is to help others who are in need of help. I would always try to figure out in what ways I could help but never knew where to begin. I always felt guilt for not pushing to see her more during her months in the hospital. Life got in the way, especially with school and work, that I didn’t dedicate more time to check in on her. The times I did get to see her, she would say how badly she wanted to go home, but you could see that she was trying to hide the pain so she could no longer be at the hospital. I had family members pass away, but my sister-in-law had the most unfair and worst passing from anyone I have known. My sister-in-law went through a tough battle, and after she passed away, I felt an obligation to help the Histiocytosis community.
I then started The HLH Advocates pages on Instagram and Facebook to create illustrative graphics as a checkpoint for people to stop and read about HLH. I do this in my free time and I am in the process of creating free digital illustrations for the warriors and their families. People are always sharing illustrations through social media, especially when there is a message or a piece of information worthy of sharing. I wanted to create graphics for the community to be able to share for their own awareness campaigns. Not only that, but what makes me know that my page is doing something right is when people message me to let me know how they recently found about HLH and how my illustrations helped them get more information.
Mostly everyone who is diagnosed with HLH has never heard about it, and that is why me creating The HLH Advocates was important because it is a stop for people to read about it and further ask how they can help and get help. I hope that with my academic, professional, and creative backgrounds that I can encourage people outside of the community to ask questions. I know it might not be the biggest, best, or right way to do so, but as long as people become aware of histiocytosis and decide to help, then that is what is important. The community, like any other rare disease community, is worthy of help from everyone, but it takes effort from everyone to make a difference.
Meet Tim
My name is Tim, and I am a Histio Warrior!
Thanks to the persistence of my local doctors, and after 3 years of unresolved symptoms, I was diagnosed with Rosai-Dorfman Disease (RDD), a form of histiocytosis in my bones.
After the shock of finding out that I have a very rare disease that many have never heard of, my thoughts turned to finding top doctor(s) who specialize in research and treatment of this disease. An internet search on RDD lead me to the Histiocytosis Association website, (histio.org), where I found an inspiring message from the Director, Deanna Fournier. I immediately wrote to Deanna, and she personally responded quickly with sympathy and support. She was able to provide a list of doctors and research hospitals for me to consider. Without the help of the Deanna, The Histiocytosis Association, and everyone involved with this outstanding organization, I would likely not have found my path to successful treatment.
In the fall of 2021, I was accepted into a National Institutes of Health (NIH) registered clinical trial with the goal of researching the effectiveness of an immunotherapy drug for the treatment of this very rare disease. This drug was subsequently approved by the FDA in November of 2022 for the treatment of various Histiocytosis’. I am honored and proud to have been a patient involved in this clinical trial that will very likely help many others around the world.
Thank you to the Histiocytosis Association as I am “forever grateful” to be accepted as an ambassador for this group. I will strive to live up to the goals and mission of the Association by providing information, support, and hope to others.
Youth Ambassadors
Interested in becoming a Histio Youth Ambassador?
Are you between the ages of 12 and 17 and passionate about making a difference for patients and families affected by histiocytosis? Through the Histio Youth Ambassador Program, youth partner up with a parent/guardian to team up against histiocytosis. We are currently accepting applications for 10 new Histio Youth Ambassadors for 2024.
If you are interested in applying, click HERE. If you’re unsure about applying but want to learn more about the program, feel free to email our Outreach Program Coordinator, Melinda Atnip, at matnip@histio.org for more information.
Meet Avalon
Hello! My name is Avalon, I am 14 years old. My histio story began when I was 10 years old. My little brother, Hudson, was diagnosed with RDD (Rosai Dorfman Disease) at 8 months old. A week or so after his first surgery my parents broke the news to us (myself and older brother, Patrick) that Hudson had a rare disease. I was very scared and anxious. I was also very upset because I felt like there wasn’t a thing in this world that I could do to help my little brother.
In May of 2022 my family and I flew to NYC for a benefit dinner for the Histiocytosis Association, where I was asked to speak about how histio has changed my life. Having been asked to explain how histio had changed me and my life was a question I sat on for a long time. Talking about histio has always been easy for me, but for some reason I couldn’t find the proper way to explain how it had changed me. Explaining histio to people is difficult sometimes. In my case it’s hard to talk about my personal experience with histio rather than just talking about histio as a whole. With the help of my amazing mom, Allie (who is also a Histio ambassador), I wrote an incredible speech that touched the hearts of many people.
From the moment I was told Hudson had been diagnosed with histio I knew I wanted to help in any way possible so when my mom told me about the new histio youth ambassador program I knew that that was my way of helping in the histio community. Having a loved one have something as rare and unknowledgeable as histio is very hard. I want to educate people and help them so that they know they aren’t alone. And that they can still make a difference.
Exactly a year ago I started playing softball. Softball has become a place for me to escape. If something had been going on with Hudson, I could go play softball to keep my mind off what has happened around me but still have fun so it’s important for people to know that no matter what is going on in life, make sure you still have fun.
I am 14 now and am about to start my freshman year of high school. I am very excited to be a part of the Histiocytosis Association and to be able to raise awareness in my own fundraisers. I hope to help people go through histio even if histio doesn’t directly affect their body, but rather someone they love. I am ready to find a cure.
Meet Brady
Hello, I'm Brady!
At the age of 4, my journey with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) began. Though I don't recall the specifics of my diagnosis, my parents recount how I transitioned from a lively toddler to becoming withdrawn and struggling with severe leg pain. An orthopedic examination revealed a lesion in my femur, swiftly leading to surgery and a confirmed diagnosis of LCH.
Throughout my life, I've encountered several other lesions in my bones, prompting ongoing collaboration with my medical team to navigate the most effective treatment path.
Now 17, I've come to appreciate the rarity of this condition, igniting a passion within me to look deeper and offer support to others. This interest aligns with my aspirations for a career in healthcare, prompting my involvement in the Histio Community as a Youth Ambassador.
Despite its challenges, LCH has instilled in me a sense of purpose and a commitment to take charge of my health journey.
Beyond my medical journey, I enjoy playing baseball, spending time with friends watching movies, camping and online gaming.
Meet Nate
Hello, my name is Nate, and I am thrilled to be a Histiocytosis Youth Ambassador! I’m a 14-year-old living in Washington DC, and my Histio journey began at the age of 3, when I was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH). I initially had surgery to remove a tumor on my hip and was later diagnosed with another tumor on my pituitary that same year. I barely recall the diagnosis and treatment journey, but I do know that it included many weeks at Children’s National Medical Center in DC. My surgeries were immediately followed by a year-long course
of chemotherapy. Fortunately, other than having to navigate diabetes insipidus, thanks to the impact of LCH on my pituitary, there has been no evidence of LCH since I ended treatment, which is amazing.
Although LCH has had a big impact on my life, I have lived much of my life knowing very little about this rare disease, and I have rarely considered that there were many other kids like me.
With the Histiocytosis Association, I am excited to have an opportunity to connect with others like me and share my story. I was introduced to the Association by my parents who have also been impacted by LCH because of my experience, and we are excited for the opportunity to get
involved in the action to shine a spotlight on this disease. I hope that I will be able to make a positive change while also learning more in the process.
In addition to being an eighth-grade student, I love skiing, crew, hanging out with friends, and traveling with my family.
I am looking forward to making a difference in the world of rare diseases, including fundraising, advocacy, and spreading awareness. I am incredibly proud to be a Histio Youth Ambassador and I can't wait to see what we can accomplish!
Meet Tyler
Hi! My name is Tyler, and I was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis shortly before my first birthday. Symptoms began with my right eye swelling shut, and doctors speculated that allergies or infections were causing it. I was put on IV antibiotics, which reduced most of the swelling; however, a few days later, my eye swelled shut again. Back at the hospital, an MRI revealed a hole in the orbital bone above my right eye, along with a mass in the same area. Doctors performed a biopsy of the mass and used curettage, and lab results showed I had LCH. Then, after confirmation of the disease by a second doctor, I was put on chemotherapy for six months. Luckily after only two chemo sessions, my eye was almost entirely back to normal. For the next decade, I went to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford for annual MRIs and blood tests. I have had no evidence of disease since chemo, which is the best possible outcome because there is no specific cure for LCH. It is very unlikely to come back, but not impossible.
Today, I am a 17-year-old senior in high school, and for most of my life, I ignored my LCH story because I had never met anyone like me. However, the Histiocytosis Association changed my perspective of it from an adverse, frightening event into something with positive effects by making me realize the importance of support and a sense of community. For instance, my mom mentioned the Association while telling me my story, and I stumbled across the ambassador program. For the first time, I became aware of people who went through similar experiences with LCH or other histiocytic disorders. I finally found people who have stories like mine.
Becoming an ambassador was the perfect opportunity to learn more about myself, meet people affected by Histiocytosis, and help others feel less alone. Even though I just began my role as a Youth Ambassador when writing this, I have already met with California’s Senators to advocate for the rare disease community. Whether it’s spreading awareness, fundraising, or lobbying Congress again, I can’t wait to do more. Although there is no great thing about LCH and Histiocytosis, being connected to this amazing community has changed my outlook on life. I am so proud to be a Histio Warrior and the first Histio Youth Ambassador.
Below is an interactive map with the spread of our ambassadors across the country!